wedding bouquets

Courtney + Andrew | CT Wedding | Water's Edge Resort and Spa

Courtney + Andrew | CT Wedding | Water's Edge Resort and Spa

A summer wedding on the water . . . . .

Ryan + Matt | CT Wedding | The Riverhouse at Goodspeed Station

Ryan  + Matt  |  CT Wedding  |  The Riverhouse at Goodspeed Station

A fall wedding at The Riverhouse . . . . .

Elizabeth + Christopher | CT Wedding | The Lace Factory

Elizabeth  +  Christopher  |  CT Wedding  | The Lace Factory

A romantic wedding in the CT River Valley . . . . .

Haley + Johrone | CT wedding | Aria

Haley + Johrone  |  CT wedding  |   Aria

An elegant spring wedding with a surprise rainbow ….

Adriana + Sereymeth | CT Wedding | Amarante's Sea Cliff

Adriana + Sereymeth |  CT Wedding  |  Amarante's Sea Cliff

A beautiful wedding on the water’s edge……